
Movie Posters LolaMovie Posters Lola

Here comes Lola

She might not look like it, but Lola's father is from Brazil, and her family suffers from small-town racism in rural Germany. So, Velosos decide to move to the big city of Hamburg and start fresh. For Lola, she might finally get her heart's wish - a best friend. It can't be the girl sitting next to her in class because that's where Lola's prejudices kick in ...

The movie brings Isabel Abedi's charming book series to the big screen.

Film still Nora Tschirner
Film still Nora Tschirner
Film still Meira Durand
Film still Meira Durand
Winning lots of awardsWinning lots of awards
roter Luftballonroter Luftballon

© Bavaria Film, Constantin Film, Münchner Filmfest

roter Luftballonroter Luftballon
Movie poster ConniMovie poster Conni

Conni & Co

Conni is starting a new school. Luckily, her best friend Paul is in the same class! But when a group of mean girls make fun of Conni, Paul cowardly abandons her. A lifelong friendship is on the line.

The only consolation for Conni is that Frodo the terrier ends up at Grandma Klawitter's farm of mercy, and her family takes him in. But then it turns out that Frodo belongs to the horrible principal of the new school, and the Klawitters have to give him back. Conni and her brother's world falls apart.

To make matters worse, they find out that the man tortures and exploits his dog. Conni decides to save Frodo at all costs! Will Paul stand by her this time?

The movie is based on the popular book series "Conni & Co" by Liana Schneider, Julia Böhme, and Dagmar Hoßfeld.

Film still Til SchweigerFilm still Til Schweiger
Film still Emma SchweigerFilm still Emma Schweiger
Film still ConniFilm still Conni
Parson-Russel-Terrier Parson-Russel-Terrier
Conni-Logo Carlsen BuchverlagConni-Logo Carlsen Buchverlag

© Producers At Work, Warner Bros Germany, Carlsen Verlag

Movie Poster Conni 2Movie Poster Conni 2

Conni & Co -

The Secret of the T-Rex

Conni's dog, Frodo, discovers a dinosaur bone on the children's favorite holiday island. They are all excited and immediately take the bone to the mayor. Conni and her friends are convinced this sensational find will make their island famous.

But the mayor has other plans. The vacation paradise is to give way to a luxury resort - he lets the bone disappear, pretending it never excited in the first place. Good thing Conni's friend Paul took pictures.

However, Paul's parents have financial problems, and the mayor's plan could help them. Will the kids be able to save Rabbit Island from destruction?

The sequel to the movie adaptation of the Carlsen bestseller.

Movie still Conni & Co 2Movie still Conni & Co 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex skelettonTyrannosaurus Rex skeletton
Film poster Conni 2Film poster Conni 2
Book Cover Conni & co Spiegel bestsellerBook Cover Conni & co Spiegel bestseller
Movie still Heino FerchMovie still Heino Ferch

© Producers At Work, Barefoot Films, Warner Bros Germany

© Book cover: Carlsen Verlag

Movie poster Bayala The magical adventureMovie poster Bayala The magical adventure

Bayala -

A Magical Adventure

Elfgirl Marween only wanted to give her new queen a beautiful stone as a coronation gift. But then the stone breaks, revealing a dragon's foot. Before the baby dragon can fully hatch, the elves must take it to its parents, the last dragons of Bayala.

An adventurous journey through a breathtaking land and a race against time begins. The queen of the Shadow Elves has heard of the egg and wants to use its power to enslave all elf tribes.

Movie still Bayala MarweenMovie still Bayala Marween
Movie Still Bayala DragonsMovie Still Bayala Dragons
Movie Still Bayala Movie Still Bayala
Movie Still Bayala WolvesMovie Still Bayala Wolves
Hungary movie poster BayalaHungary movie poster Bayala
France Movie poster BayalaFrance Movie poster Bayala
Spain Movie Poster BayalaSpain Movie Poster Bayala
UK Movie Poster BayalaUK Movie Poster Bayala
Dragon NugurDragon Nugur

© Ulysses Filmproduktion GmbH, Studio Rakete, Universum Film, Global Screen

Movie poster Dear Kurt
Movie poster Dear Kurt


Kurt and his girlfriend Lena move from the city to the countryside and start renovating an old house in order to be closer to Kurt's son. Little Kurt lives with his mother and her new husband.

Just as the adults are ironing out the last wrinkles in this family patchwork quilt, the worst disaster imaginable happens: The boy is killed in an accident.

Parents, aunt, grandparents, teachers, and friends try to come to terms with the loss, but Lena can't seem to find a place for her grief, while her partner drowns in his and sees no way back.

The story of a family with a gaping hole in the middle that has to find a way back to each other.

Based on the moving novel "Kurt" by Sarah Kuttner.

Movie Still Kurt 2
Movie Still Kurt 2
Movie Still Kurt 1
Movie Still Kurt 1
Movie Still Kurt 4
Movie Still Kurt 4
Movie Still Kurt 3
Movie Still Kurt 3
Movie Still Kurt 5
Movie Still Kurt 5

© Mr. Brown Entertainment Filmproduction, Filmwelt